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Constants, Variances and Identities
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised) 2018-11-23#10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised) Horizontal: 1) Agency (Maintaining wholeness/identity) Pull to wholeness 2) Communion (Maintaining partness/relationship) Pull to partness Vertical: 3) Transcendence (Becoming more wholeness) Pull upwards 4) Dissolution (Breaking down into constituent parts) Pull downwards Lateral (Transverse - Direction of Change): 5) Change towards or within its interior […]Heurist
- Why is it so hard to prove that e+pi or e*pi is irrational/rational? 2018-04-25The reason why it is so hard to prove is actually very easy to answer. These constants, identities, and variations being referred to in this post, and others like it, all lay embedded in a far deeper substrate than current mathematics has yet explored. Mathematics has been, and always shall be my ‘first love’, and […]Heurist
- A Universal Paradox - Choice 2018-04-23Another universal constant here involving a causal relationship within which choice is embedded. It doesn't get a number, because I haven't formalised it yet. Stay tuned though; I have new constants, variations, and identities which I haven't posted. I'm just too busy right now building my databases for the knowledge representations, that I haven't had […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #19 The Inverse Awareness Relation 2017-05-15Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #19 The Inverse Awareness Relation The Inverse Awareness Relation establishes a fundamental relationship in our universe: Micro Awareness = $\dfrac {1}{scope}$ and Macro Awareness = $\dfrac {1}{depth}$ or $\dfrac {Micro Awareness}{Macro Awareness} = \dfrac {depth}{scope}$ Which essentially state: The closer awareness is in some way to an entity, the more […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #18 (Dimension) 2016-09-07Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities (Dimension) #18 Dimension is a spectrum or domain of awareness: they essentially build an additional point of view or perspective. We live in a universe of potentially infinite dimension. Also, there are more spatial dimensions than three and more temporal dimensions than time (the only one science seems to […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variances, and Identities - 17 (Interiority/Exteriority) 2016-09-06Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #17 Interiority and Exteriority arise together. (Representation) For every interior representation there is always an exterior representation that compliments it. For every exterior representation there is always a corresponding interior one.Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities – #16 (Creation/Discovery) 2015-02-24Universal Constants, Variations and Identities #16 Creation and discovery compliment each other and are the means in which the Universe fundamentally unfolds and enfolds itself. (Creation/Discovery) We tend not to identify them, because there are so many variations in their harmony. Please do overestimate your thoughts... as you will see they are the beginning […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #15 (Change/Time) 2015-02-07#15 Time is a temporally 'linear' (directed) form of change that is not limited by dimension. (Change/Time)Time has been arbitrarily and wrongly assigned to dimension. Change is not restricted to any dimension: therefore time is also not limited to it.I know it's trendy to see time as a dimension, but dimension is something completely different. […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #14 (Singular/Plural) 2015-02-03Universal Constants, Variations and Identities#14 Singular and plural arise together. (Singular/Plural)There is no singular without a plural representation except in the non-dual. See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more information. #Knowledge #Wisdom #Understanding #Learning #Insight #Constants #Variances #Philosophy #MathesisUniversalis #ScientiaUniversalis #PhilosophicaUniversalis #LogicaUniversalis #MetaMathematics #MetaLogic #MetaScience #MetaPhysics #MetaPhilosophy #Singular #Plural Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #13 (Awareness/Knowledge) 2015-02-03Universal Constants, Variations and Identities #13 Knowledge is what awareness does. (Knowledge is the meaning of meaning.)I've published this before elsewhere, but it must be restated now for what is to follow (I'm starting a new octave). #Knowledge #Wisdom #Understanding #Learning #Insight #Constants #Variances #Metaphysics #Philosophy #MathesisUniversalis #ScientiaUniversalis #PhilosophiaUniversalis #LogicaUniversalis #MetaMathematics #MetaLogic #MetaScience #MetaPhysics […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #12 (Causality/Integrity) 2015-02-03Universal Constants, Variations and Identities#12 The ends are determined by their means. (Integrity of purpose/causality)(Dispelling the lie of: "The ends justify their means." The truth is that ends are inextricably tied to the means used to achieve them. If we employ destructive means, then ultimately only destructive ends can result. Intention means nothing with […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #11 (Reference) 2015-02-01#11 Observation is communication between one or more participants (observer and observed). (Reference) See http://mathesis-universalis.com/index.php/en/more-details-about-mathesis-universalis for more information. [More are coming soon in a new post…]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #10 (Holon's Capacities) 2015-02-01#10 All Holons have at least four fundamental capacities. (Potential) Horizontal (Span): 1) Agency (Maintaining wholeness/identity) Pull to wholeness 2) Communion (Maintaining partness/relationship) Pull to partness Vertical (Depth): 3) Transcendence (Becoming more wholeness) Pull upwards 4) Dissolution (Breaking down into constituent parts) Pull downwards (see #6 for definition of Holon) See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #9 (Phi and Proportion) 2015-02-01#9 phi the identity of proportion See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more information. [More are coming soon in a new post…]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #8 (e and log) 2015-02-01#8 e is the identity of change See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more information. [More are coming soon in a new post…]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #7 (Periodicity and Pi) 2015-02-01#7 pi is the identity of periodicity See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more information. [More are coming soon in a new post…]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #6 (Holons) 2015-02-01#6 Reality is composed of whole parts. (Holons) Arthur Koesler coined the term ‘Holon’ that refers to entities as both wholes and parts of some other whole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holon_%28philosophy%29 For example: a whole atom is part of a whole molecule, which is part of a whole cell, which is part of a whole organism,… Each of […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #5 (Boundary) 2015-02-01#5 Boundaries arise in a spectrum from diffuse to concise. (Crossing) [More are coming soon in a new post…] A few of those who have followed my posts elsewhere have been asking for more information about my work. Towards that end, I’m going to start publishing my growing list of universal constants and variances. It […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #4 (Duality) 2015-02-01#4 Duality is bounded, non-duality is boundless. (Boundary) [More are coming soon in a new post…] A few of those who have followed my posts elsewhere have been asking for more information about my work. Towards that end, I’m going to start publishing my growing list of universal constants and variances. It is these constants […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities - #3 (Interior/Exterior) 2015-02-01#3 There is no inside without an outside nor outside without an inside. (Interiority/Exteriority) [More are coming soon in a new post…] A few of those who have followed my posts elsewhere have been asking for more information about my work. Towards that end, I’m going to start publishing my growing list of universal […]Heurist
Important Memes
- Why Do Some People Want to Destroy Other People? 2020-05-03My answer to this question on Quora here: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-people-want-to-destroy-other-people Often they do it, because those who destroy others’ lives are themselves miserable or have destroyed their own lives. Another reason is to advance objectives that are held by the person or held by the people the person works for. Alphabet agencies like CIA, NSA, NSC, […]Heurist
- Some Weaknesses of Communism and Karl Marx's 'Work' 2018-05-23One reason why Karl Marx is so revered is, because 'intellectuals' don’t realise that he based his political philosophy on the work of the philosophers of his day, as well as those which came before. Some aspects of these philosophies are now out-dated and have been superseded by modern philosophers who came after. Most academics […]Heurist
- Which questions does Category Theory help us answer? 2017-12-22Another chapter in my attempt to help break the ‘spell’ of the category theoretical ‘ontologicisation’ of our world. This may seem to many as a purely academic question, but we all need to realise that all of what we consider a modern way of thinking rests upon ‘mental technologies’ such as Category Theory. Academics are […]Heurist
- Erich Schmidt on 'Truth' - Some Decisions Should Be Left For Customers To Decide 2017-12-12Original Article - Eric Schmidt: Why Google can have trouble ranking 'truth' Maybe some things should be left to those who use the search engine...Google just doesn't get its collective mind around a simple thing: Google's users want to determine what is true for themselves!Heurist
- AI Concern: 'Prometheus Doctrine' Revisited - Nick Bostrom (Part 1 of 2) 2016-09-06I'm referring to the men and women who, as this video exemplifies, subscribe to a sort of 'Prometheus Doctrine'; which for me is like a fetish of needing to destroy in order to create. They talk about their fear and project their fear onto and into our science and technology instead of quelling the sources […]Heurist
- HUD Fly-by Test 2016-08-22Link to video. Don’t take this as an actual knowledge representation; rather, simply a simulation of one. I’m working out the colour, transparent/translucent, camera movements, and other technical issues. In any case you may find it interesting. The real representations are coming soon.Heurist
- A New Kind of Knowledge Representation Is Coming to Be! 2016-08-22Link to video The project is now coming to conclusion (finally). In this video I show an example knowledge molecule being ‘examined’ by the knowledge representation. I’ve hidden the other actors in this demonstration and have simplified the instrumentation to preserve my priority on my work. Be patient! It won’t be long now… I have […]Heurist
- Obfuscation In A 'Nut' Shell 2016-04-28Obfuscation In A 'Nut' Shell Distinctions that are no differences, are incomplete, or are in discord. In knowledge representation these 'impurities' (artificiality) and their influence are made easy to see. In groks you will see them as obfuscation fields. That means darkening and/or inversion dynamics. The term refers to the visual representation of an obfuscated […]Heurist
- The Creation of 'Care' 2016-03-18The Creation of 'Care' The 8th Principle of Natural Law: Care The 'container' in which all of the principles of natural law exist. What we care about on a daily basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions. Care+Knowledge+Action (Feeling, Mind, Being) This is the reason my mother named me 'Care-y'. She […]Heurist
- Artificial Liberty - Your freedom is an illusion and the Liberty Bell has a crack in it. 2016-03-17Artificial Liberty Your freedom is an illusion and the Liberty Bell has a crack in it. Toto! Please pull back the curtain! Note when the bell was cracked: http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/why-is-the-liberty-bell-cracked 192 years ago you didn't have to ask permission from the government to: Go fishing, collect rain water, use a transportation vehicle, build a home or […]Heurist
- Beware The Serpent And His Oil 2016-03-12Link to video Donald Trump tells the story of mass invasion.A short and succinct video.I say make the banksters take them in! It is THEY who displaced them with their funding both sides of almost every war since Rome and every war since Napoleon!Heurist
- Communism - Snake Oil Manufactured and Sold to Enslave You 2016-03-10Snake Oil Manufactured and Sold to Enslave You Communism is the 'snake oil' sold by Satanists, created by fraud, and propagated by a 'wrecking crew' to make the tyranny of a few popular to the masses.Heurist
- Every Culture Must Be Respected And Preserved 2016-02-17The parasitic pre-mature globalists want us to forget and/or abandon our heritage. They have limited talents and can only 'create' by destroying. They must force us into artificial diversity instead of allow us to naturally form a global civilisation. They tell themselves they are special, but they want us to ignore the fraud, cronyism, […]Heurist
- Maritime Admiralty Law in 10 Minutes 2016-02-16The Real Laws Of The Land Maritime Admiralty Law in 10 Minutes You are 'owned' just by acquiescing to that 'ownership'.Heurist
- Progressive Regressive's Logic Of Love 2016-02-05Progressive Regressive's Logic Of LoveI'd almost want to put my head in the sand to get away from this kind of thinking, but I'm concerned about the vulnerability of my rear end!They don't seem care about this though... Denial and wilful ignorance is such bliss... from and for anyone who's some kind of insane.Heurist
- Men And Their Semantics - Turning Meaning into Legos 2016-02-05Men And Their Semantics - Turning Meaning into Legos Semantically speaking: Does meaning structure unite languages? This work is a dead end waiting to happen. Of course it will attract much interest, money, and perhaps even yield new insights into the commonality of language, but there's better ways to get there. What's even more […]Heurist
- Organic VS. Artificial and Weaponized Culture 2016-02-02Traditional vs. Cultural Marxism Organic VS. Artificial and Weaponized CultureThe parasitic #banksters need to force an artificial and pre-mature form of globalism upon us instead of allowing a natural and organic evolution.Everywhere nationalism tries to take hold, it is attacked and marginalized. We MUST be allowed to maintain our individual and collective identities when […]Heurist
- Nobel Prize For Stating The Obvious 2016-01-15Nobel Prize For Stating The ObviousYou can get a Nobel for anything these days: Obama for peace(!) and Merkel soon for treason, for example.You need only be 'connected' or have something to say or do that our controllers value.In this one we have 3 points:1) 'Huh' and its variants appear in 31 languages2) People stop […]Heurist
- Untitled 2016-01-15'Trust' For SaleMore of Google's attempt to become the 'clearing house' of truthful, 'trustful', and important facts and therewith create a 'truthful tribe'. I thought we wanted to rid ourselves of tribalism?So many talented people will never be known, because they work 'under the radar' or for being ignored (exiled) as 'heretics'.Here is a […]Heurist
- Typical Knowledge Acquisitions Node 2016-01-04Knowledge Representation A typical knowledge acquisition node showing two layers of abstraction. Note how some of the acquisition field detection moves with the observer's perspective. You can tell, due to the varying visual aspects of the fields and their conjunctions that it has already been primed and in use.This node may be one of thousands/millions/billions […]Heurist
Heurist.me (Carey G. Butler)
- OUR LIBRARY – MATHESIS UNIVERSALIS! 2022-05-07This collection of books is a small, but growing example of the millions of books, journals, periodicals, and academic papers we are currently tracking and indexing. We are updating this library constantly. Please return often and review this library as it evolves. This library is the first step on our way to making Mathesis Universalis (the long-sought search […]Heurist
- Why do some people want to destroy other people? 2020-04-25My answer to this question on Quora here: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-people-want-to-destroy-other-people/answer/Carey-G-Butler?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=7837281943 Often they do it, because those who destroy others’ lives are themselves miserable or have destroyed their own lives. Another reason is to advance objectives that are held by the person or held by the people the person works for. Alphabet agencies like CIA, NSA, NSC, BND, MOSSAD, […]Heurist
- Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised) 2018-11-23#10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised) #10 – All Holons have at least four fundamental capacities. (Potential) *** REVISION *** #10 – All Holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Potential) Horizontal (Span): 1) Agency (Maintaining wholeness/identity) Pull to wholeness 2) Communion (Maintaining partness/relationship) Pull to partness Vertical (Depth): 3) Transcendence […]Heurist
- Some Weaknesses of Communism and Karl Marx’s ‘Work’ 2018-05-23One reason why Karl Marx is so revered is, because ‘intellectuals’ don’t realise that he based his political philosophy on the work of the philosophers of his day, as well as those which came before. Some aspects of these philosophies are now out-dated and have been superseded by modern philosophers who came after. Most academics are […]Heurist
- Why is it so hard to prove that e+pi or e*pi is irrational/rational? 2018-04-25The reason why it is so hard to prove is actually very easy to answer. These constants, identities, and variations being referred to in this post, and others like it, all lay embedded in a far deeper substrate than current mathematics has yet explored. Mathematics has been, and always shall be my ‘first love’, and […]Heurist
- Is the P=NP Problem an NP Problem? 2018-04-09What I’m going to say is going to be unpopular, but I cannot reconcile my own well-being without giving you an answer to this problem from my perspective. My only reason for reluctantly writing this, knowing what kind of reaction I could receive is, because I abhor that some of the best minds on our […]Heurist
- Getting Hypertension About Hyperreals 2018-03-29(Links below) This system is quite interesting if we allow ourselves to talk about the qualities of infinite sets as if we can know their character completely. The problem is, any discussion of an infinite set includes their definition which MAY NOT be the same as any characterisation which they may actually have. Also, and […]Heurist
- Knowledge Representation – Holographic Heart Torus 2018-03-11Holographic Heart Torus by Ryan Cameron on YouTubeHeurist
- Knowledge Representation – Fractal Torus 1 2018-03-11Fractal Torus 1 by Ryan Cameron on YouTubeHeurist
- “How much knowledge does the understanding in words contain?” 2017-12-30Words are symbolic indications and/or conveyors of meaning and are not that meaning in themselves. Meaning is found, stored, and manipulated in our minds. This is why different languages are capable, in varying degrees of usefulness, to convey meaning which is very similar to that found via the symbols of any other. It It is […]Heurist
- Amaryl: Comprehensive Guide to Usage, Benefits, and Risks 2025-01-08Amaryl: Understanding Its Uses and Benefits Amaryl, known generically as glimepiride, is a widely prescribed medication for managing type 2 diabetes mellitus. It belongs to the sulfonylurea class of drugs, which function by stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin, thereby helping to lower blood glucose levels. For those seeking a trusted source for purchasing […]Heurist
- Advair Inhaler: Your Guide to Effective Asthma Management 2024-12-22Understanding the Advair Inhaler: A Comprehensive Guide The Advair Inhaler a widely prescribed medication for individuals managing asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Its effectiveness lies in its dual-action mechanism, combining two active ingredients to provide relief and improve lung function. In this guide, we will explore the Advair Inhaler in detail, including its […]Heurist
- Diclofenac Gel: Uses, Benefits, and Application 2024-12-20Understanding Diclofenac Gel Diclofenac a topical medication widely used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in various musculoskeletal conditions. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is applied directly to the skin, where it is absorbed to provide targeted relief. Diclofenac Gel is commonly prescribed for conditions such as osteoarthritis, muscle sprains, and minor joint pain. Mechanism […]Heurist
- Diclofenac: Comprehensive Guide 2024-12-18Diclofenac: An In-Depth Overview Diclofenac a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) known for its efficacy in reducing inflammation and pain. It is commonly prescribed for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, migraines, and post-operative pain. Understanding its mechanism, proper usage, and potential side effects is crucial for those considering it as a treatment option. […]Heurist
- Celebrex: Comprehensive Guide to Usage, Benefits, and Safety 2024-12-13Understanding Celebrex: A Comprehensive Guide Celebrex, a well-known nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), has been a reliable choice for those seeking relief from pain and inflammation. In this guide, we delve into what Celebrex is, how it works, its uses, and safety considerations. What is Celebrex? Celebrex, generically known as celecoxib, is a prescription medication primarily […]Heurist
- Knowledge Graph 2024-05-15Convert any Corpus of Text into a Graph of Knowledge Open in a new tabHeurist
- Kineviz 2024-05-15Open in a new tabHeurist
- Mathesis Universalis in English 2024-05-15Open in a new tabHeurist
- Mathesis Universalis in German 2024-05-15Open in a new tabHeurist
- WebXR 2024-05-15Open in a new tabHeurist
Mathesis Universalis
- OUR LIBRARY - MATHESIS UNIVERSALIS! 2022-05-07This collection of books is a small, but growing example of the millions of books, journals, periodicals, and academic papers we are currently tracking and indexing. We are updating this library constantly. Please return often and review this library as it evolves.This library is the first step on our way to making Mathesis Universalis (the long-sought search for […]Heurist
- Is the P=NP Problem an NP Problem? 2018-04-09What I’m going to say is going to be unpopular, but I cannot reconcile my own well-being without giving you an answer to this problem from my perspective.My only reason for reluctantly writing this, knowing what kind of reaction I could receive is, because I abhor that some of the best minds on our planet […]Heurist
- Getting Hypertension About Hyperreals 2018-03-30(Links below) This system is quite interesting if we allow ourselves to talk about the qualities of infinite sets as if we can know their character completely. The problem is, any discussion of an infinite set includes their definition which MAY NOT be the same as any characterisation which they may actually have. Also, and […]Heurist
- Knowledge Representation - Holographic Heart Torus 2018-03-11Holographic Heart Torus by Ryan Cameron on YouTubeHeurist
- Knowledge Representation - Fractal Torus 1 2018-03-11Fractal Torus 1 by Ryan Cameron on YouTubeHeurist
- “How much knowledge does the understanding in words contain?" 2017-12-30Words are symbolic indications and/or conveyors of meaning and are not that meaning in themselves. Meaning is found, stored, and manipulated in our minds. This is why different languages are capable, in varying degrees of usefulness, to convey meaning which is very similar to that found via the symbols of any other. It is also […]Heurist
- Is using an heuristic to make a decision logically sound? 2017-12-13By its very definition it is logical - even if that logic may be abstract or incomplete. Whether it is sound (logically) or not, is determined by what is called a validity test. Here is a diagram based upon traditional logic. Looking these in a more detailed way: With an heuristic, its ‘validity’ is […]Heurist
- Lateral Numbers - How 'Imaginary Numbers' May Be Understood 2017-11-15MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js","TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ], }, "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] } }); First, allow me to rename theses numbers during the remainder of this post to lateral numbers, in accordance to the naming convention as was recommended by Gauss. I have a […]Heurist
- Strictly Speaking Can't! Natural Language Won't? 2017-09-23Physics is only complex, because it's in someone's interest to have it that way. The way to understanding, even if you don't understand science, was paved with words. Even if those words led only to a symbolic form of understanding.Common ordinary language is quite capable of explaining physics. Mathematics is simply more precise than common […]Heurist
- Does Division By Zero Have Meaning? 2017-09-17Yes, in knowledge representation, the answer is the interior of a holon.Ontologies go ‘out of scope’ when entering interiority. The common ontological representation via mathematical expression is 1/0.When we ‘leave’ the exterior ontology of current mathematics by replacing number with relation, we enter the realm of interiority.In the interior of relation, we access the […]Heurist
- Are sets, in an abstract sense, one of the most fundamental objects in contemporary mathematics? 2017-09-09Actually, yes and no.The equivalence relation lies deeper within the knowledge representation and it’s foundation.There are other knowledge prerequisites which lie even deeper within the knowledge substrate than the equivalence relation.The concepts of a boundary, of quantity, membership, reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, and relation are some examples. http://bit.ly/2wPV7RNHeurist
- Limits of Category Theory and Semiotics 2017-08-29They are wonderful tools to explain much of our world, but lack 'The Right Stuff' to handle the metaphysical underpinnings of anything near a Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language , or a Philosophy of Learning. This is, because Category Theory specialises on roughly half of the Noosphere. It does a wonderful job on exteriority, […]Heurist
- Is Real World Knowledge More Valuable Than Fictional Knowledge? 2017-05-10No. Here an excerpt from a short summary of a paper I am writing that provides some context to answer this question: What Knowledge is not: Knowledge is not very well understood so I'll briefly point out some of the reasons why we've been unable to precisely define what knowledge is thus far. Humanity has […]Heurist
- Does Knowledge Become More Accurate Over Time? 2017-05-10Change lies deeper in the knowledge substrate than time. Knowledge is not necessarily coupled with time, but it can be influenced by it. It can be influenced by change of any kind: not only time. Knowledge may exist in a moment and vanish. The incipient perspective(s) it contains may change. Or the perspective(s) that it […]Heurist
- Is Mathematics Or Philosophy More Fundamental? 2017-05-07Is Mathematics Or Philosophy More Fundamental? Answer: Philosophy is more fundamental than mathematics. This is changing, but mathematics is incapable at this time of comprehensively describing epistemology, whereas, philosophy can. Hence; mathematics is restrained to pure ontology. It does not reach far enough into the universe to distinguish anything other than ontologies. This will change […]Heurist
- What About Tacit Knowledge? 2017-05-07A knowledge representation system is required. I’m building one right now. Mathesis Universalis. There are other tools which are useful, such as TheBrain Mind Mapping Software, Brainstorming, GTD and Knowledgebase Software Products and technologies like TheBrain, knowledge graphs, taxonomies, and thesauri can only manage references to and types of knowledge (ontologies). A true knowledge representation […]Heurist
- A Holon's Topology, Morphology, and Dynamics (2a) 2015-08-31A Holon's Topology, Morphology, and Dynamics (2a) This is the second video of a large series and the very first video in a mini-series about holons. In this series I will be building the vocabulary of holons which in turn will be used in my knowledge representations. The video following this one will go into […]Heurist
- Science As a New Tower of 'Babble' 2015-02-03Science As a New Tower of 'Babble'Complexity - a patchwork quilt of misunderstanding and confusion tied together 'by hook or by crook'.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By_hook_or_by_crookComplex systems are the result of our collective blindness to the simple interconnectedness of our universe.Why is the emerging view of our universe - no longer a Cosmological and Cosmogonic garden of the […]Heurist
- Universal Constants and Variances 2014-12-13Universal Constants and Variances #1 Awareness is primary and fundamental. (Substrate) #2 All awareness is non-dual unless it is dual. (Duality) #3 There is no inside without an outside nor outside without an inside. (Interiority/Exteriority) #4 Duality is bounded, non-duality is boundless. (Boundary) #5 Boundaries arise in a spectrum from diffuse to concise. (Crossing) […]Heurist
- A Precise Definition of Knowledge - Knowledge Representation as a Means to Define the Meaning of Meaning Precisely 2014-08-24A Precise Definition of KnowledgeKnowledge Representation as a Means to Define the Meaning of Meaning PreciselyCopyright © Carey G. ButlerAugust 24, 2014What is this video about?In this introductory video I would like to explain what knowledge representation is, how to build and apply them. There are basically three phases involved in the process of building […]Heurist