Syndications of Interest

Syndications of Interest

RSS Ars Mathematica

  • Nine Chapters on the Semigroup Art 2015-02-28
    While Googling something or other, I came across Nine Chapters on the Semigroup Art, which is a leisurely introduction to the theory of semigroups. (While the document is labelled “lecture notes”, the typography is quite beautiful.)
  • What Did Grothendieck Do? 2015-01-01
    Happy New Year! The publicity in the wake of Grothendieck’s death has left a certain number of non-mathematicians with the question of what it was exactly that he did. I wrote an answer elsewhere that people seemed to find informative, … Continue reading →
  • Learning about Stochastic Processes the Almost Sure Way 2014-11-09
    George Lowther at Almost Sure has written a terrific series of posts explaining stochastic processes and the stochastic calculus. Stochastic calculus is widely used in physics and finance, so there are many informal introductions that get across the main ideas … Continue reading →
  • Arguesian Lattices 2014-09-23
    As is well-known, the lattice of submodules of a module is modular. What I did not know is that the converse is not true, and that lattices of submodules must satisfy a stronger property, the arguesian law. The Arguesian law … Continue reading →
  • K2, not the mountain 2014-03-20
    Chandan Singh Dalawat has a nice survey article about K2. It just gives the highlights of the theory, without proofs, so it’s closer to a teaser trailer than it is to full-length movie. But sometimes you just want a teaser … Continue reading →
  • Cayley Bacharach Theorem through History 2014-02-10
    I came across this terrific article that describes a sequence of results beginning with Pappas’ theorem through the Cayley-Bacharach theorem to modern formulations in terms of the Gorenstein (!) condition. The connection between classical topics in algebraic geometry and modern … Continue reading →
  • Nonassociative Algebras 2013-12-30
    I periodically feel like I should learn more about nonassociative algebra. (I’ve studied Lie algebras, and technically Lie algebras are non-associative, but they’re pretty atypical of nonassociative algebras.) There’s a mysterious circle of “exceptional” examples that are all related — … Continue reading →
  • Determinacy 2013-11-30
    One of my ambitions in life is to understand projective determinacy. Fortunately, Tim Gowers has written a series of posts to explain Martin’s proof that Borel sets are determined. The main source of interest in determinacy is that results suggest … Continue reading →
  • A Generalized Fermat Equation 2013-08-31
    I came across a number theory paper Twists of X(7) and Primitive Solutions of x2 + y3 = z7 that I find completely fascinating. I find it fascinating because a) the question is so easy, b) the answer is so … Continue reading →
  • Linear Bestiary of Francois Pottier 2013-07-09
    Ugh, I suck at this blogging thing. I periodically get ambitious, and make big plans. That doesn’t actually lead to any completed posts, just many long half-finished posts, and hundreds of open tabs in Firefox. I think I’ll start with … Continue reading →