The PMO Playbook: Effective Product Life Cycle Management
M S Leslie O Magsalay & Jan Biles
Programmieren lernen mit Python
Allen B. Downey
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Correspondence, 1926-1969
Karl Jaspers & Hannah Arendt
Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software
Pedro Teixeira
Cognitive Biases in Everyday Life
Chinchu C.
Westworld and Philosophy
James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (1)
Game of Thrones and Philosophy
William Irwin
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (65)
Final Fantasy and Philosophy
Jason P. Blahuta & Michel S. Beaulieu
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (24)
House and Philosophy
Henry Jacoby
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (3)