Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America ...
Tucker Carlson
Goethes Freunde in Gotha und Weimar
Sigrid Damm
Learning DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide to Accelerating DevOps ...
Mikael Krief
Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne
Micromechanics with Mathematica®
Seiichi Nomura
Final Fantasy and Philosophy
Jason P. Blahuta & Michel S. Beaulieu
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (24)
Game of Thrones and Philosophy
William Irwin
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (65)
House and Philosophy
Henry Jacoby
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (3)
Westworld and Philosophy
James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels
The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series (1)