Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction
Alan Hausman & Howard Kahane & Paul Tidman
The Debate on the Crusades, 1099-2010
Christopher Tyerman
Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis
Arran Gare
A Dictionary of Shakespeare
Stanley Wells
Die Generation Y - Mitarbeiter der Zukunft: Herausforderung ...
Anders Parment
Logic and Language Models for Computer Science
Henry Hamburger & Dana Richards
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory
Edgar G. Goodaire & Michael M. Parmenter
Core HTML5 Canvas: Graphics, Animation, and Game Development
David M. Geary
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ With Qt 4
Alan Ezust & Paul Ezust
Principles of Mathematical Problem Solving
Martin J. Erickson & Joe Flowers
The Speaker's Sourcebook: Quotes, Stories, and Anecdotes for ...
Glenn van Ekeren
Theory of Knowledge
Roderick M. Chisholm
Mathematica®, a Practical Approach
Nancy Blachman
The Nexus Framework for Scaling Scrum
Kurt Bittner & Patricia Kong & Dave West
Abstract Algebra: with a Concrete Introduction
John A. Beachy & William D. Blair