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Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory

Edgar G. Goodaire & Michael M. Parmenter

PublisherPrentice Hall
PublishedJun 15, 2002

For courses in Discrete Mathematics. Adopting a user-friendly, conversational-and at times humorous-style, these authors make the principles and practices of discrete mathematics as stimulating as possible while presenting comprehensive, rigorous coverage. Examples and exercises integrated throughout each chapter serve to pique student interest and bring clarity to even the most complex concepts. Above all, the book is designed to engage todays students in the interesting, applicable facets of modern mathematics. *NEW - Chapter One is completely rewritten - Includes new sections on truth tables, the algebra of propositions and logical arguments. Provides students with greater coverage of logic and truth tables at the beginning of the text. *NEW - Most algorithms have been rewritten. Allows students to see algorithms in a less casual way so as to more closely resemble computer code. *NEW - Review exercises - Added to the end of every chapter. Helps students to review and reinforce text concepts. *NEW - Emphasis on writing and critical thinking skills, allows students to strengthen their skills in these areas. *More than 200 worked examples and problems as well as over 2500 exercises