The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional ...
Albert Gallatin Mackey
Language Conflict in Post-Soviet Linguistic Landscapes - Paper
Aneta Pavlenko
LSD-25 Synthesis from "Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation ...
Warum Nachhaltigkeit Nicht Nachhaltig Ist
Klaus-Dieter Hupke
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader
Vyvyan Evans & Benjamin K. Bergen & Jörg Zinken
Handbook of Matrices
Helmut Lütkepohl
Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert ...
Percy Deift
Algebraic Graph Theory: Morphisms, Monoids and Matrices
Ulrich Knauer & Kolja Knauer
A First Course in Random Matrix Theory: For Physicists, Engineers ...
Marc Potters & Jean-Philippe Bouchaud