Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i, Philosopher, Exegete and ...
Hamid Algar
Morphologie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zur Flexion Und Wortbildung
G. E. Booij
Adventures of a Computational Explorer
Stephen Wolfram
Phenomenology and the Crisis of Philosophy Philosophy as Rigorous ...
by Edmund Husserl & Quentin Lauer
PySpark Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach With PySpark2
Raju Kumar Mishra
Algebraic Graph Theory: Morphisms, Monoids and Matrices
Ulrich Knauer & Kolja Knauer
A First Course in Random Matrix Theory: For Physicists, Engineers ...
Marc Potters & Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
Handbook of Matrices
Helmut Lütkepohl
Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert ...
Percy Deift