The Autobiography of Red
Anne Carson
Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944
Stephen E. Ambrose
Encyclopedia of Social Psychology
Roy F. Baumeister & Kathleen D. Vohs
The Way of Zen
Alan Watts
The Works of Edgar Allen Poe in Five Volumes - Volume 3b
Edgar Allen Poe
An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function
S. J. Patterson
Real and Complex Analysis
Walter Rudin
Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces: Isoperimetric ...
Vitali D. Milman & Gideon Schechtman
Topics in Complex Analysis
Dorothy Brown Shaffer
A Primer on Riemann Surfaces
A. F. Beardon
Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach
K. G. Binmore & Kenneth George Binmore
Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Applications
Didier J. Dubois & Henri M. Prade
An Introduction to Classical Complex Analysis
R. B. Burckel
An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis
Yitzhak Katznelson
II: Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness
Michael Reed & Barry Simon
Riemann Surfaces, Theta Functions, and Abelian Automorphisms ...
Robert D. M. Accola
Theta Functions on Riemann Surfaces
John David Fay
Fourier Analysis and Approximation: One Dimensional Theory
Paul Butzer & Nessel & Trebels
Abstract Harmonic Analysis: Volume II: Structure and Analysis ...
Edwin Hewitt & Kenneth A. Ross
Lectures on Vector Bundles Over Riemann Surfaces
Robert C. Gunning
Studies in Real and Complex Analysis
Isidore Isaac Hirschman
Additive Subgroups of Topological Vector Spaces
Wojciech Banaszczyk