This book is a continuation of Volume I of the same title [Grund lehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 115 ]. We constantly 1 1. The textbook Real and cite definitions and results from Volume abstract analysis by E. HEWITT and K. R. STROMBERG [Berlin · Gottin gen ·Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 1965], which appeared between the publication of the two volumes of this work, contains many standard facts from analysis. We use this book as a convenient reference for such facts, and denote it in the text by RAAA. Most readers will have only occasional need actually to read in RAAA. Our goal in this volume is to present the most important parts of harmonic analysis on compact groups and on locally compact Abelian groups. We deal with general locally compact groups only where they are the natural setting for what we are considering, or where one or another group provides a useful counterexample. Readers who are interested only in compact groups may read as follows: § 27, Appendix D, §§ 28-30 [omitting subheads (30.6)-(30.60)ifdesired], (31.22)-(31.25), §§ 32, 34-38, 44. Readers who are interested only in locally compact Abelian groups may read as follows: §§ 31-33, 39-42, selected Mis cellaneous Theorems and Examples in §§34-38. For all readers, § 43 is interesting but optional. Obviously we have not been able to cover all of harmonic analysis.
This book is a continuation of vol. I (Grundlehren vol. 115, also available in softcover), and contains a detailed treatment of some important parts of harmonic analysis on compact and locally compact abelian groups. From the reviews: "This work aims at giving a monographic presentation of abstract harmonic analysis, far more complete and comprehensive than any book already existing on the connection with every problem treated the book offers a many-sided outlook and leads up to most modern developments. Carefull attention is also given to the history of the subject, and there is an extensive bibliography...the reviewer believes that for many years to come this will remain the classical presentation of abstract harmonic analysis." Publicationes Mathematicae
This book is a continuation of Volume I of the same title [Grund lehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 115 ]. We constantly 1 1. The textbook Real and cite definitions and results from Volume abstract analysis by E. HEWITT and K. R. STROMBERG [Berlin · Gottin gen ·Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 1965], which appeared between the publication of the two volumes of this work, contains many standard facts from analysis. We use this book as a convenient reference for such facts, and denote it in the text by RAAA. Most readers will have only occasional need actually to read in RAAA. Our goal in this volume is to present the most important parts of harmonic analysis on compact groups and on locally compact Abelian groups. We deal with general locally compact groups only where they are the natural setting for what we are considering, or where one or another group provides a useful counterexample. Readers who are interested only in compact groups may read as follows: § 27, Appendix D, §§ 28-30 [omitting subheads (30.6)-(30.60)ifdesired], (31.22)-(31.25), §§ 32, 34-38, 44. Readers who are interested only in locally compact Abelian groups may read as follows: §§ 31-33, 39-42, selected Mis cellaneous Theorems and Examples in §§34-38. For all readers, § 43 is interesting but optional. Obviously we have not been able to cover all of harmonic analysis.
This book is a continuation of vol. I (Grundlehren vol. 115, also available in softcover), and contains a detailed treatment of some important parts of harmonic analysis on compact and locally compact abelian groups. From the reviews: "This work aims at giving a monographic presentation of abstract harmonic analysis, far more complete and comprehensive than any book already existing on the connection with every problem treated the book offers a many-sided outlook and leads up to most modern developments. Carefull attention is also given to the history of the subject, and there is an extensive bibliography...the reviewer believes that for many years to come this will remain the classical presentation of abstract harmonic analysis." Publicationes Mathematicae