A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications
Dennis G. Zill & Patrick Shanahan
Bulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair ...
The Python Master
Robert Smallshire & Austin Bingham
Real and Complex Analysis
Walter Rudin
Flask Web Development from Scratch
Honda, Takatomo
Introducing Hegel: A Graphic Guide
Lloyd Spencer
Introducing ... A Graphic Guide Series (1)
Metaphysics without Truth: On the Importance of Consistency ...
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
Philosophy of Language
Scott Soames
Merleau-Ponty's Existential Phenomenology and the Realization ...
Bryan A. Smyth
Dialectical Social Theory and Its Critics: From Hegel to Analytical ...
Tony Smith
Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy
Nicholas D. Smith & Paul Woodruff
Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy
Nicholas D. Smith
Freud’s Philosophy of the Unconscious
David Livingstone Smith
John Searle
Barry Smith
Nietzsche on Tragedy
M. S. Silk & J. P. Stern
The God Debates: A 21st Century Guide for Atheists and Believers
John R. Shook
The Philosophy of Aquinas
Cristopher John Shields & Robert Pasnau
Ancient Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
Christopher Shields
Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle
Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy
Frisbee Sheffield
Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics: An Introduction to Hellenistic ...
Robert W. Sharples
Fundamentals of Philosophy
John Shand
Kant and Aristotle: Epistemology, Logic, and Method
Marco Sgarbi
Dialogues and Essays
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides
Kenneth Seeskin & Cambridge University Press