Unity® Virtual Reality Development With VRTK4
Christopher Coutinho
Screwtape Letters - with, Screwtape Proposes a Toast
C. S. Lewis
Statistik mit Mathematica®: Methoden und ihre Anwendungen
Andreas H. Jäger
A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina ...
John Kerr
Hume's Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction
Georges Dicker
Fichte's Transcendental Philosophy: The Original Duplicity of ...
Günter Zöller
Protagoras and the Challenge of Relativism: Plato's Subtlest ...
Ugo Zilioli
Husserl's Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental ...
Dan Zahavi
Nietzsche's Philosophy of Religion
Julian Young
Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy
Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Heidegger's Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Lowith, Hans Jonas, ...
Richard Wolin
Trials of Reason: Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy
David Wolfsdorf
Lectures on the History of Moral and Political Philosophy
Jonathan Wolff & G. A. Cohen
Object-Oriented Philosophy: The Noumenon's New Clothes
Peter Wolfendale
Studies in Medieval Philosophy
John F. Wippel
Philosophy of Finitude: Heidegger, Levinas and Nietzsche
Rafael Winkler
Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy
Margaret Dauler Wilson
Fashionable Nihilism: A Critique of Analytic Philosophy
Bruce Wilshire
Nishida and Western Philosophy
Robert Wilkinson
The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly ...
Kenneth E. Wilber
The National Element in Hermann Cohen's Philosophy and Religion
Hartwig Wiedebach
Philosophy of Space and Time: And the Inner Constitution of ...
Michael Whiteman
The Cambridge Companion to Habermas
Stephen White & Stephen K. White & Stephen Solomon White & White Stephen K.