The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Great Works ...
Roy Peter Clark
Data Mining With Ontologies: Implementations, Findings, and ...
Héctor Oscar Nigro & Sandra Elizabeth González Císaro & Daniel Hugo Xodo
Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century
Howard E. Gardner
Metrics-Based Process Mapping: Identifying and Eliminating Waste ...
Karen Martin & Mike Osterling
Educating Your Child In Modern Times Raising An Intelligent, ...
John Taylor Gatto
Introducing Persons: Theories and Arguments in the Philosophy ...
Peter Carruthers
Introducing Philosophy of Religion
Chad V. Meister
Jacques Derrida
Nicholas Royle
Jean Baudrillard: Against Banality
William Pawlett
Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories
David B. Clarke
Stefan Rebenich
Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades: Society, Landscape, and ...
Adrian J. Boas
Karl Rahner: Theology and Philosophy
Karen Kilby
Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy
Oliver Leaman
Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy: An Introduction
Michael Weston
Kierkegaard and Philosophy: Selected Essays
Alastair Hannay
The Landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian ...
Thucydides & Robert B. Strassler & Richard Crawley & Victor Davis Hanson
Language and Globalization
Norman Fairclough
Language in the Real World: An Introduction to Linguistics
Susan J. Behrens & Judith A. Parker
Later Medieval Philosophy (1150-1350): An Introduction
John Marenbon
Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive ...
Robert Brandom
The Making of Stonehenge
Rodney Castleden
Maximus the Confessor
Andrew Louth & Saint Maximus (confessor)
Medieval Archaeology: Understanding Traditions and Contemporary ...
Christopher Gerrard
Meditations on First Philosophy in Focus
René Descartes & Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane & George Robert Thomson Ross