Spanish Philosophy of Technology: Contemporary Work From the ...
Belén Laspra & José Antonio López Cerezo
The Discovery of New Worlds
M. B. Synge & E. M. Synge
Time Loops and Space Twists
Fred Alan Wolf
Confessions of a Heretic
Roger Scruton
East and West in the Early Middle Ages: The Merovingian Kingdoms ...
Yaniv Fox & Stefan Esders & Yitzhak Hen & Laury Sarti
The Swagger Sword: Templars, Columbus and the Vatican Cover-Up
David Steven Brody
Templars in America (8)
The Cult of Venus: Templars and the Ancient Goddess
Templars in America (7)
Echoes of Atlantis: Crones, Templars and the Lost Continent
Templars in America (6)
Cabal of the Westford Knight: Templars at the Newport Tower
David S. Brody
Templars in America (1)