Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking With Python
Narasimha Karumanchi
Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts
John Rogers Searle
Design Patterns In Python
Sean Bradley
Die Gnosis: Wesen und Geschichte einer spätantiken Religion
Kurt Rudolph
Negrophobia and Reasonable Racism: The Hidden Costs of Being ...
Jody David Armour
Competition in Inflection and Word-Formation
Franz Rainer & Francesco Gardani & Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler & Hans Christian Luschützky
Studies in Morphology (5)
Franz Rainer & Francesco Gardani & Wolfgang U. Dressler & Hans Christian Luschützky
The Construction of Words Advances in Construction Morphology ...
Geert Booij
Studies in Morphology (4)
The Construction of Words