Mathematics Applied to Engineering and Management
Mangey Ram & S. B. Singh
Delphi Complete Works of Elizabeth Von Arnim (Illustrated)
Elizabeth von Arnim
Delphi Series Eight (16)
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Python
Guy Hart-Davis
Data Engineering: Mining, Information and Intelligence
Yupo Chan & John Talburt & Terry M. Talley
Investigating English Discourse: Language, Literacy and Literature
Ronald Carter
Data Visualization and Knowledge Engineering
Jude Hemanth & Madhulika Bhatia & Oana Geman
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (32)
Serverless Computing: Principles and Paradigms
Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi & Adarsh Kumar & Sukhpal Singh Gill & Rajkumar Buyya
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (162)