Heaven and Philosophy
Michaël Bauwens & Helen L. Daly & Cruz Davis & Jean-Baptiste Guillon & Blake Hereth & Anthony G. Holdier & Bertha Alvarez Manninen & Eric T. Olson & Joshua Rasmussen & Eric Yang
Conceptual Revolutions
Paul Thagard
Jean-Luc Nancy and the Future of Philosophy
Benjamin C. Hutchens
The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy
Richard C. Taylor & Luis Xavier López Farjeat
Linguistische Semantik
Peter Rolf Lutzeier
Python An Introduction to Programming
James R. Parker
Python 3 Using Chatgpt / Gpt-4
Oswald Campesato
Gpt-4 for Developers
Enterprise Transformation to Artificial Intelligence and the ...
William Kimmerly
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL With C++
V. Scott Gordon & John L. Clevenger