Continuous Delivery With Docker and Jenkins
Rafal Leszko
Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs
Josh Hawley
Nginx HTTP Server
Clement Nedelcu
Piagetian Dimensions of Clinical Relevance
Hugh Rosen
The Great Game: The Myths and Reality of Espionage
Frederick P. Hitz
Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q#
Sarah C. Kaiser & Christopher Grenade
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark
Jonathan Rioux
The Quick Python Book
Naomi R. Ceder
Python Workout
Reuven M. Lerner
Get Programming
Ana Bell
Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition MEAP
François Chollet
Data Science with Python and Dask
Jesse C. Daniel
Data Science Bookcamp
Leonard Apeltsin
Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing
Paul Azunre
Get Programming with Node.js
Jonathan Wexler
Serverless Applications with Node. Js: using AWS Lambda and ...
Slobodan Stojanovic & Aleksandar Simovic
Express.js in Action
Evan Hahn
React Native in Action
Nader Dabit
React Quickly
Azat Mardan
React in Action
Mark T. Thomas
Modern Java in Action: Lambdas, Streams, Functional and Reactive ...
Raoul-Gabriel Urma & Mario Fusco & Alan Mycroft
Functional Reactive Programming
Stephen Blackheath & Anthony Jones
Securing DevOps: Safe Services in the Cloud
Julien Vehent
Docker in Practice
Ian Miell & Aidan Hobson Sayers