Pragmatics Across Languages and Cultures
Anna Trosborg
Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Research, and the Juvenile Justice ...
Peter C. Kratcoski & Lucille Dunn Kratcoski & Peter Christopher Kratcoski
Illustrated Maths Dictionary
Judith de Klerk & Sally Green (prof.)
Im Spinnennetz der Geheimdienste
Patrik Baab & Robert E. Harkavy
Elias and David: Introductions to Philosophy with Olympiodorus: ...
Sebastian Gertz
Kubernetes Cookbook: Building Cloud Native Applications
Sameer Naik & Sébastien Goasguen & Jonathan Michaux
Programming Interactivity
Joshua Noble
Mastering Kafka Streams and Ksqldb: Building Real-Time Data ...
Mitch Seymour
Kubernetes Networking: A Deep Dive
James Strong & Vallery Lancey
Learning Helm: Managing Apps on Kubernetes
Matt Butcher & Matt Farina & Josh Dolitsky
Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems With Spring Boot, ...
Josh Long & Kenny Bastani
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach
Neal Ford & Mark Richards
Learning React: Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps - ...
Eve Porcello & Alex Banks
Distributed Tracing in Practice: Instrumenting, Analyzing, and ...
Austin Parker & Daniel Spoonhower & Rebecca Isaacs & Jonathan Mace & Ben Sigelman
Building Microservices With Core: Develop, Test, and ...
Hoffman & Umbel
Deep Learning From Scratch: Building With Python From First ...
Seth Weidman
Working With Excel Files in Python
Clinton Brownley W.
Introducing MLOps: How to Scale Machine Learning in the Enterprise
Clement Stenac & Leo Dreyfus-Schmidt & Kenji Lefevre & Nicolas Omont & Mark Treveil
Stream Processing With Apache Spark: Mastering Structured Streaming ...
Francois Garillot & Gerard Maas
Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning Creating and Deploying ...
Ian Pointer
Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile: Hands-On Computer ...
Anirudh Koul & Siddha Ganju & Meher Kasam
Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure: Using AutoML ...
Deepak Mukunthu & Parashar Shah & Wee Hyong Tok
Deep Learning for Coders With Fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications ...
Sylvain Gugger & Jeremy Howard
Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management With Python: ...
Abdullah Karasan
Programming Kubernetes: Developing Cloud Native Applications
Michael Hausenblas & Stefan Schimanski