Sieben Lügen
Elizabeth Kay
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy
Roy W. Perrett
A Dictionary of Business and Management
Design Patterns CD: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Erich Gamma & Richard Helm & Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides
Secrets of the Ages as Revealed by Spirit and the Masters
Joshua Stone
Python Data Analysis for Newbies Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, ...
Joshua K. Cage
Python: Practical Python Programming For Beginners and Experts ...
Jonathan Yates
Python Pandas Quick and Easy
Roland Schaffelhuber
Python by Example: Learning to Program in 150 Challenges
Nichola Lacey
Python Programming: Learn the Basics and get into Data Science
T. L. John
Python Notes for Professionals
Python Cookbook
David Beazley & Brian K. Jones
Python Pocket Primer
Oswald Campesato
Python for Six Sigma
Shu Liu
Python für Kids
Gregor Lingl
Hands-on Machine Learning with Python Implement Neural Network ...
Ashwin Pajankar, Aditya Joshi
Hadoop with Python
Zachary Radtka & Donald Miner
Guide to: Learning Python Decorators
Matt Harrison
Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 2nd ed.
Kenneth A. Lambert
Fundamentals of Music Processing using Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Meinard Müller
Function Programming in Python
David Mertz
Fast Python for Data Science MEAP V03
Tiago Rodrigues Antão
Exploring Python
Markus Nix
Empirische Sozialforschung mit Python Daten automatisiert sammeln, ...
Markus Feiks
Design Patterns In Python
Sean Bradley