Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy
Maudemarie Clark
The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling ...
David E. Spiro
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
Simon Blackburn
70 Tips To Create Irresistible Blog Posts, Articles, Ebooks, ...
Jason Bozzuto
An Introduction to Computing with Fuzzy Sets
Witold Pedrycz
Intelligent Systems Reference Library (190)
The Capacity to Govern: A Report to the Club of Rome
Yehezkel Dror
Studies in Reflecting Abstraction
Jean Piaget & Robert L. Campbell
Hungarian: An Essential Grammar
Carol Rounds
Intermediate Russian: A Grammar and Workbook
John Murray & Sarah Smyth
Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach
Dell Hymes
The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism
Stuart Sim
Logical Investigations - Volume 1
Edmund Husserl
Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of Reason
Jonardon Ganeri
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness
Jacques Derrida
To Hell With Culture: And Other Essays on Art and Society
Herbert Edward Read
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel and the Philosophy of ...
Dudley Knowles
Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings
Yuri Balashov & Alexander Rosenberg
A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: Colloquialisms ...
Eric Partridge
The Varieties of Belief
Paul Helm
Speech and Theology: Language and the Logic of Incarnation
James K. A. Smith
Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide
Bill J. Dodd
Modern German Grammar Workbook
Bill J. Dodd & Heidi Zojer & Ruth Whittle & John Klapper & Christine Eckhard-Black
Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide
Juan Kattán-Ibarra & Christopher J. Pountain
The Philosophy of John Locke: New Perspectives
Peter R. Anstey
Classical Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
Christopher John Shields