Philosophy for Dummies
Martin Cohen
Infinite Powers
Steven Strogatz
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Edward Lawrence Davis
The Memory Code
Lynne Kelly
Laws of Nature
Peter Mittelstaedt & Paul A. Weingartner
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
James Macmullen Rigg & Thomas More
The Philosophical Works of John Locke
John Locke & James Augustus St John
A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian (thesis)
Brian Jagersma
A Finnish grammar
Charles Eliot
Canadian Alpine Journal/Journal Alpin Canadien, 1988
Beklyarova Tamara
A Short Grammar Of Latvian
Terje Mathiassen
New Latin Grammar
Allen & Greenough
Grammar Containing the Etymology and Syntax the English Language
William Swin Ton
A Greek grammar for the use of schools and colleges
William Duguid Geddes
Longman English Grammar Practice Intermediate Self Study Edition
L. G. Alexander
An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage
Geoffrey N. Leech & Benita Cruickshank & Roz Ivanic
An elementary grammar of the Greek Language - A Key to the Exercises
C. W. Bateman
On the Grammar of 'Enjoy'
Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe
Anglo-Saxon reader (both poetry and prose) for beginners in ...
William Malone Baskerville
Assyrian Grammar with Paradigms, Exercises, Glossary and Bibliography
Friedrich Delitzsch, Archibald Robert Stirling Kennedy
Lexical functional grammar
Peter K. Austin
Towards a Formal Language Theory of Stochastic Grammars - Chapter ...
Preparing students for KET and PET for Schools
Mary Whiteside
Grammar in Use
Raymond Murphy
NLP, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar Research
Levická Jana & Garabík Radovan