Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, ...
Deborah E. Bouchoux
College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and ...
Raymond A. Barnett & Michael R. Ziegler & Karl E. Byleen
God and His Demons
Michael Parenti
Christian Philosophy: An Introduction
Etienne Gilson
Spanish Civil War: A History From Beginning to End
Hourly History
A Student's Dictionary of Psychology and Neuroscience
Nicky Hayes & Peter Stratton
Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook
April Harper & Caroline Proctor
Love, Sex & Marriage in the Middle Ages: A Sourcebook
Conor McCarthy
Toward a General Theory of Action: Theoretical Foundations for ...
Robert Carkhuff
Social System
Talcott Parsons
Self and Others
Ronald David Laing
Sanity, Madness and the Family
Ronald David Laing & Aaron Esterson
The Dante Encyclopedia
Richard H. Lansing
Essays in Sociology
Max Weber & Charles Wright Mills
Trauma and Psychosis: New Directions for Theory and Therapy
Warren Larkin & Anthony P. Morrison
The Descent of Madness: Evolutionary Origins of Psychosis and ...
Jonathan Burns
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Subjectivity
Ian Parker
Marriage: Disillusion and Hope
Christopher F. Clulow
The Tavistock Seminars
Wilfred R. Bion
Bion Today
Chris Mawson
Reading Bion
Rudi Vermote
Judith Butler's Precarious Politics: Critical Encounters
Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Judith P. Butler
The Turn to Ethics
Marjorie B. Garber & Beatrice Hanssen & Rebecca L. Walkowitz
Writing and Difference
Jacques Derrida