Mathematical Linguistics
Andras Kornai
The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume III: A Collection of Articles ...
Pierre Cartier & Luc Illusie & Nicholas M. Katz & Gérard Laumon & Yuri I. Manin & Kenneth A. Ribet
A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy
Graham Oppy
Symboles fondamentaux de la Science sacrée - English Version
René Guénon
The Kingdom of Ireland, 1641–1760
Toby Barnard
Studies in the History of the English Language II: Unfolding ...
Donka Minkova & Anne Curzan & Robert P. Stockwell & Kimberly Emmons
Studies in the History of the English Language: A Millennial ...
Donka Minkova & Robert P. Stockwell
Two-Step Approaches to Natural Language Formalisms
Frank Morawietz
Reverse English Dictionary: Based on Phonological and Morphological ...
Gustav Muthmann
Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language
Brigitte Nerlich & Zazie Todd & David D. Clarke & Vimala Herman
Identity in (Inter)action: Introducing Multimodal (Inter)action ...
Sigrid Norris
Feyerabend's Philosophy
Eric Oberheim
Dialectology as Dialectic: Interpreting Phula Variation
Jamin R. Pelkey
Applied Cognitive Linguistics: Language Pedagogy
Martin Pütz & Susanne Niemeier & Martin Putz & René Dirven
The Semantics of Polysemy: Reading Meaning in English and Warlpiri
Nick Riemer
Numerical Methods for Solving Inverse Problems of Mathematical ...
Aleksandr Andreevich Samarskiĭ & Petr Nikolaevich Vabishchevich
General Linguistics
Edward Sapir & Pierre Swiggers
Nag Hammadi Deutsch: Studienausgabe. Eingeleitet und übersetzt ...
Hans-Martin Schenke & Hans-Gebhard Bethge & Ursula Ulrike Kaiser
Frege: Importance and Legacy
Matthias Schirn
The Semantic Field of Modal Certainty: A Corpus-Based Study ...
A. M. Simon-Vandenbergen & Karin Aijmer
Space, Time, and the Use of Language: An Investigation of Relationships
Thora Tenbrink
John Locke: Essay über den menschlichen Verstand
Udo Thiel
Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology: The Development ...
Carola Trips
Functional and Systemic Linguistics: Approaches and Uses
Eija Ventola
Knowledge Representation in the Social Semantic Web
Katrin Weller