Ich fühle, also bin ich: die Entschlüsselung des Bewusstseins
Antonio R. Damasio
Crystallizing Public Opinion (Original Classic Edition)
Edward L. Bernays
Advanced Data Science and Analytics With Python
Jesús Rogel-Salazar
Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series (1)
Pseudo-Problems: How Analytic Philosophy Gets Done
Roy A. Sorensen
Stanley Cavell
Richard Eldridge & Charles & Harriett Cox McDowell Professor Of Philosophy Richard Eldridge
The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture
Fritjof Capra
Collected Essays
Aldous Leonard Huxley
A Grief Observed
C. S. Lewis
The Light Beyond
Raymond A. Moody & Paul Perry
Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue With Nature
Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers & Alvin Toffler
Ishmael: A Novel
Daniel Quinn
The Difference Engine
William Gibson;Bruce Sterling
Fear Nothing
Dean Koontz
Moonlight Bay Trilogy (1)
Fool's Errand
Robin Hobb
The Tawny Man Trilogy (1)