Chariots of the Gods: 50th Anniversary Edition
Erich von Daniken
Foundherentism in the Philosophy of Susan Haack
Joseph Abbah
Death of the Ayn Rand Scholar
Gray Cavender
10 Tactics to Run More Productive, Focused Meetings
Chris Bailey
Introduction to Real Analysis
Christopher Heil
Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language
Karl Bühler
Verb First: On the Syntax of Verb-Initial Languages
Andrew Carnie & Sheila Ann Dooley & Heidi Harley
From NP to DP: The Expression of Possession in Noun Phrases
Martine Coene & Yves D'. Hulst
Formulaic Language: Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, ...
Roberta Corrigan
Formulaic Language: Distribution and Historical Change
New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings ...
William Cowan & Michael K. Foster & E. F. K. Koerner
Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers From the ...
H. Cuyckens & Britta Zawada
Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms
Christiane Dalton-Puffer & Tarja Nikula & Ute Smit
Language Planning in Multilingual Contexts: Policies, Communities, ...
Kathryn Anne Davis
Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics
Alice Deignan
Corpora and Discourse: The Challenges of Different Settings
Annelie Del & Randi Reppen
Teaching Translation and Interpreting 3: New Horizons : Papers ...
Cay Dollerup & Vibeke Appel
Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Training, Talent, and ...
Cay Dollerup & Anne Loddegaard
Morphology and Its Demarcations: Selected Papers From the 11th ...
Wolfgang U. Dressler
Coreference, Modality, and Focus: Studies on the Syntax-Semantics ...
Luis Eguren & Olga Fernández Soriano
Mauro Fernández
Linguistic Borrowing in Bilingual Contexts
Fredric W. Field
Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics
Jacek Fisiak
Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics
John Flowerdew & Michaela Mahlberg
A History of Language Philosophies
Lia Formigari