Epistemology, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science: Essays ...
Wilhelm K. Essler & H. Putnam & W. Stegmüller
Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza
Gilles Deleuze
The Big Book of Pain
Mark P. Donnelly & Daniel Diehl
Gems of Wisdom from Maurice Nicoll
Chuck Sher
Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs: IoT Big Data Stream ...
Vivek Kale
Data Center Careers - Navigating the Twists & Turns of Hiring
Meghan Reilly & Karen Riccio & Alicia Schap & Susan Gillespie & Vanessa Ruiz de Vinaspre & Veronica Goldweber
Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins
Julia Cresswell
Grundlagen des Geschäftsprozessm[..] (German Edition)
Marlon Dumas & Marcello La Rosa & Jan Mendling & Hajo A. Reijers
Beginning Unity Editor Scripting
Benny Kok
Programming the Internet of Things: An Introduction to Building ...
Andy King
API Design Patterns
Jj Geewax
Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook
Charu C. Aggarwal
The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha
Gerbern S. Oegema
Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing: 10th CCF ...
Lu Wang
Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy - Volume 7
David Sobel & Steven Wall & Peter Vallentyne
Transformers for Natural Language Processing: Build Innovative ...
Denis Rothman
A Python Guide for Web Scraping
Pradumna Milind Panditrao
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python
Allen B. Downey
An Introduction to ANSYS Fluent 2021
John E. Matsson
Python Data Visualization Essential Guide: A Quick Guide to ...
Kalilur. Rahman
Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation
Rachel Wilson
»Wir schaffen das«: Erläuterungen zum politischen Wunschdenken
Thilo Sarrazin
The Devops Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, ...
Gene Kim & Patrick Debois & Jez Humble & John Willis & Nicole Forsgren
Roy Sorensen
JavaScript Cookbook
Adam D. Scott & Matthew MacDonald & Shelley Powers