An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative ...
Christian Peskine
Social Engineering Attack
Gunikhan Sonowal
On Television
Pierre Bourdieu
Text Generation
Kathleen McKeown
Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds: ...
Georg Luck
Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language and Life
Jeremy Campbell
Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life
Campbell's Physiology Notes for Nurses
John Lorimer Campbell
Campbell's Physiology Notes
Campbell's Pathophysiology Notes
Who Goes There?
John W. Campbell
Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics
Joseph Keim Campbell & Michael O'Rourke & David Shier
Causation and Explanation
Joseph Keim Campbell & Michael O'Rourke & Harry Silverstein
Knowledge and Skepticism
Joseph Keim Campbell & Michael O'Rourke & Harry S. Silverstein
Time and Identity
Historical Linguistics, Third Edition: An Introduction
Lyle Campbell
A Glossary of Historical Linguistics
Lyle Campbell & Mauricio J. Mixco
Knowledge, Experience and Ruling Relations: Studies in the Social ...
Marie Louise Campbell & Ann Manicom & Dorothy E. Smith
Objective-C Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Matthew Campbell
Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Developers
Oswald Campesato
Python Pocket Primer
Data Cleaning: Pocket Primer
Natural Language Processing Fundamentals for Developers
Linux Shell Programming Pocket Primer
Gpt-4 for Developers