The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of ...
Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker
The Range of Reasons: In Ethics and Epistemology
Daniel Whiting
Deep Learning From the Basics: Python and Deep Learning: Theory ...
Koki Saitoh
Readings in Child Behavior and Development
Celia Stendler Lavatelli & Faith Stendler
Advanced Linear Modeling
Ronald Christensen
Springer Texts in Statistics (1)
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing MEAP V07
Stephan Raaijmakers
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing. Creating Neural ...
Deep Learning with Python - Develop Deep Learning Models on ...
Jason Brownlee
Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: A Beginner’s Guide
Daniel Voigt Godoy
Deep Thinking
Hârun Yahya
The Defective Detective : Cat Chaser
Adam Maxwell
A Defence of Poetry: An Essay
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Delusion formation and reasoning biases in those at clinical ...
M. R. Broome & L. C. Johns & I. Valli & J. B. Woolley & P. Tabraham & C. Brett & L. Valmaggia & E. Peters & P. A. Garety & P. K. Mcguire
Ross Harrison
Democratic Enlightenment
Israel, Jonathan I.
The Demon in the Freezer
Richard Preston
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Der Junge vom Mars - Article
Der Jungmädeldienst (1940)
Dienstvorschrift der Hitler-Jugend
Der Wettbewerb der Gauner
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Descartes Natural Philosophy by S. Gaukroger, John Schuster, ...
Description Discovery and Profiles: The Next Level in Web APIs
Erik Wilde & Mike Amundsen
A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian (thesis)
Brian Jagersma
The Desert Fathers Anthony and the Beginnings of Monasticism
Michael J. Miller
Design Patterns Cheatsheet