The Works of John Locke in 9 volumes, vol. 5 (1685)
John Locke
Beginning Python
James Payne
1984: Illustrated (The Evergreen Classics)
George Orwell
Aesop's Fables
Handbook of Value: Perspectives From Economics, Neuroscience, ...
Tobias Brosch & David Sander & Fabrice Clément & Julien A. Deonna & Ernst Fehr & Patrik Vuilleumier
Why Does Patriarchy Persist?
Carol Gilligan & Naomi Snider
Why Epistemology Can’t be Operationalized - Essay
Timothy Williamson
Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?
Jean Baudrillard
Why Is There Philosophy of Mathematics at All?
Ian Hacking
Why Leaders Lie:The Truth About Lying in International Politics: ...
John J. Mearsheimer
Why Nations Fail
Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson
Why Philosophy Begins with Thales
Stephen R. C. Hicks
Why Respect Is Important in the Workplace
Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of ...
Debra Satz
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
Bill Joy
Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation
Shane O'Mara
Why Victorian Literature Still Matters
Philip Davis
Why We Cooperate
Michael Tomasello
Why We Need Ordinary Language Philosophy
Sandra Laugier
Why We Talk: The Evolutionary Origins of Language
Jean-Louis Dessalles
Andrew A. Vladimirov & Konstantin V. Gavrilenko & Andrei A. Mikhailovsky
Wicked Philosophy: Philosophy of Science and Vision Development ...
Coyan Tromp
Wie das Universum und ich Freunde wurden: Science Fiction Stories ...
Thomas Wawerka
Wie man im Schach gewinnt: 10 goldene Faustregeln
Daniel King & Willi Kaspar
Wie Managed-Service-P[..] gelingen: Eine Einführung
Roland Walther & Hans Joachim Hoppe