Andy Warhol: A Life from Beginning to End (Biographies of Painters)
Hourly History
Doing Corpus Linguistics
William Crawford & Eniko Csomay
Data Mining for Service
Katsutoshi Yada
Mr. McTaggart's Ethics - Chapter
G. E. Moore
Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking With Python
Narasimha Karumanchi
God's Battalions
Rodney Stark
God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics
Dr. Thomas Stark
God and Gold
Walter Russell Mead
The Gnostic Religion
Hans Jonas
Gnostic Fragments
Nimrod de Rosario
Global Catastrophic Risks
Nick Bostrom & Milan M. Cirkovic
Global Bioethics: The Collapse of Consensus
Tristram H. Engelhardt Jr.
GitOps and Kubernetes
Billy Yuen & Alex Matyushentsev & Jesse Suen & Todd Ekenstam
Hadley Wickham
Use R! (1)
Getting Started With SQL and Databases
Mark Simon
Getting Started With Natural Language Processing
Ekaterina Kochmar
Getting Started With Kubernetes - Second Edition
Jonathan Baier
Getting Started With Istio Service Mesh
Rahul Sharma & Avinash Singh
Get Programming
Ana Bell
German Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
Andrew Bowie
Very Short Introductions (1)
Geophysical Data Analysis
William Menke
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics
Philip Schneider & David H. Eberly
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics (1)
Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical ...
Antonio Romano & Roberto Cavaliere
Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology (1)
Geographies of Science
Peter Meusburger & David Livingstone & Heike Jöns
Knowledge and Space (3)
Genug, Für Alle, Für Immer
Hartwig Haase