A Strategy for a Loss of Faith: Jung's Proposal
John P. Dourley
Data Visualization With Python: Create an Impact With Meaningful ...
Mario Döbler & Tim Großmann
Turning Ethics Into Outcomes: Three Steps to Build “Integrity ...
Corporate Executive Board
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language
Norman Fairclough
America's Apocalyptic Reset: Unmasking the Radical's Blueprints ...
Perry Stone
Introducing Philosophy of Religion
Chad V. Meister
Introducing Persons: Theories and Arguments in the Philosophy ...
Peter Carruthers
Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide
David Crystal
The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, ...
Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito
Ineffability and Philosophy
Andre Kukla
The Ideology of Tyranny: Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern ...
Guido Giacomo Preparata
Hume's Philosophy of the Self
A. E. Pitson
Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience
Victor Davis Hanson
History of Western Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Routledge Classics (1)
Hegel: and the Philosophy of Right
Dudley Knowles
Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology ...
Serena Parekh
Hannah Arendt
Simon Swift
God, the Gift, and Postmodernism
John D. Caputo & Michael J. Scanlon
Fundamentals of Philosophy
John Shand
Free Speech
Alan Haworth
Problems of Philosophy (1)
Edgar Allan Poe & Stuart Levine & Susan F. Levine
Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction
Harry J. Gensler
Establishing Boundaries
Boddens Hosang
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge ...
Robert Audi
Embodied Cognition
Lawrence A. Shapiro