Seamanship Techniques: For Shipboard & Maritime Operations
D. J. House
Philosophy Of Mind - Brainchildren - Chapter 12
Daniel Clement Dennett
International Relations and the Philosophy of History: A Civilizational ...
A. Yurdusev
Reading William Blake
Saree Makdisi
Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey, Revised Second ...
Michael T. Heath
God's Irishmen: Theological Debates in Cromwellian Ireland
Crawford Gribben
Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early ...
Bart D. Ehrman
Evagrius of Pontus:The Greek Ascetic Corpus: The Greek Ascetic ...
Robert E. Sinkewicz
The Eusebians: The Polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria and the ...
David M. Gwynn
The Early Text of the New Testament
Charles E. Hill & Michael J. Kruger
Dreams, Visions, and Spiritual Authority in Merovingian Gaul
Isabel Moreira
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions
Timothy J. Wengert
Contemplation and Classical Christianity: A Study in Augustine
John Peter Kenney
Compendium on the Diaconate: A Resource for the Formation, Ministry, ...
Catholic Church. United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops
The Coherence of “Gnosticism”
Einar Thomassen
Cities of God: The Real Story of How Christianity Became an ...
Rodney Stark
The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximus the Confessor
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
Byzantine Christianity: A Very Brief History
Averil Cameron
Bishops and the Politics of Patronage in Merovingian Gaul
Gregory I. Halfond
Augustine's Theory of Signs, Signification, and Lying
Remo Gramigna
Augustine and the Functions of Concupiscence
Timo Nisula
The Art of Listening in the Early Church
Carol Harrison
Approaching Medieval English Anchoritic and Mystical Texts
Dee Dyas & Valerie Edden & Roger Ellis
The Apocryphal Gospels: Texts and Translations
Bart Ehrman & Zlatko Plese
Apocalypticism and Mysticism in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity ...
John J. Collins & John Joseph Collins & Pieter de Villiers & Pieter G. R. Villiers & Adela Yarbro Collins