Why Honor Matters
Tamler Sommers
We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love
Robert A. Johnson
The Great Silence: Science and Philosophy of Fermi's Paradox
Milan Cirkovic
Sharyl Attkisson
DevOps in Python: Infrastructure as Python
Moshe Zadka
Introduction to English Sociolinguistics
Graeme Trousdale
An Introduction to English Slang: A Description of Its Morphology, ...
Elisa Mattiello
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure
Andrew Radford
An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics
Patrick Griffiths
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure
Andrew Carstairs-Mccarthy
Introduction to English Linguistics
Ingo Plag & Sabine Arndt-Lappe & Maria Braun & Mareile Schramm
An Introduction to English Grammar
Sidney Greenbaum & Gerald Nelson
Introduction to English Derivational Morphology
Theodore M. Lightner
Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing
Kam-Fai Wong & Wenjie Li & Ruifeng Xu & Zheng-Sheng Zhang
An Introduction to Biblical Greek: A Grammar with Exercises
John D. Schwandt
Introduction to Arabic Natural Language Processing
Nizar Y. Habash
Introducing Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives and Practices
Kirsten M. Hummel
Introducing Psycholinguistics
Paul Warren
Introducing Morphology
Rochelle Lieber
Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics (1)
Introducing Language Typology
Edith A. Moravcsik
Introducing Language in the Workplace
Bernadette Vine
Introducing English Linguistics
Charles F. Meyer
Intersemiotic Translation: Literary and Linguistic Multimodality
Aba-Carina Pârlog
Interpreting Communicative Language Teaching: Contexts and Concerns ...
Sandra J. Savignon
Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling
Jorge Casillas & O. Cordón & Francisco Herrera Triguero & Luis Magdalena