Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age
W. Bernard Carlson
Biblical Dream Symbols Dictionary 2nd Edition
Tyler Wolfe
Mathematical Interest Theory
Leslie Jane Federer Vaaler & James Daniel
Das Schein-Geld-System: wie der Staat unser Geld zerstört
Murray Newton Rothbard
A Practical Approach for Machine Learning and Deep Learning ...
Abhishek Kumar Pandey & Pramod Singh Rathore & Dr. S. Balamurugan
The Tao of Microservices
Richard Rodger
Software Architecture for Business
Lina Khalid
Simulating Nonlinear Circuits with Python Power Electronics
Shivkumar V. Iyer
Selenium Design Patterns and Best Practices
Dima Kovalenko
The Secret Life of Programs
Jonathan E. Steinhart
The Scrum Guide
Ken Schwaber
Scrum Basics
Risikomanagement Kompakt
Christof Ebert
IT kompakt (1)
Regular Expressions Cookbook
Jan Goyvaerts & Steven Levithan
Python: Journey From Novice to Expert
Fabrizio Romano & Dusty Phillips & Rick van Hattem
The Python Workshop
Andrew Bird & Dr Lau Cher Han & Graham Lee & Corey Wade & Mario Corchero Jimenez
Python Programming Blueprints
Daniel Furtado & Marcus Pennington
Python Machine Learning
Wei-Meng Lee
Python for Geeks
Muhammad Asif
Python Concurrency With Asyncio
Matthew Fowler
Programming WPF
Chris Sells & Ian Griffiths
Performance Testing
Keith Yorkston
NoSQL Essentials: Navigating the World of Non-Relational Databases
Kameron Hussain & Frahaan Hussain
Multi-Cloud Handbook for Developers: Learn How to Design and ...
Subash Jacob Natarajan & Jeveen Jacob