Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 17th International ...
Elisabeth Métais & Ashwin Ittoo & Gosse Bouma & Hans Wortmann
Microservices in .NET, Second Edition
Christian Gammelgaard
Planet Ponzi
Mitch Feierstein
Learning From Data: An Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
Arthur M. Glenberg & Matthew E. Andrzejewski
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter
Arthur Conan Doyle
canon of Sherlock Holmes (0)
Northrop Frye on Milton and Blake
Northrop Frye & Angela Esterhammer
A Grand Eye for Glory: A Life of Franz Johnston
Roger Burford Mason
Dear Bill: The Correspondence of William Arthur Deacon
William Arthur Deacon
The Autobiography of Red
Anne Carson
The 2015 Canadian Federal Election Debate on Foreign Policy: ...
Stephen Harper & Thomas Mulcair & Justin Trudeau