Computer Vision Using Deep Learning
Vaibhav Verdhan
Ask Peter Kreeft: The 100 Most Interesting Questions He's Ever ...
Peter J. Kreeft
The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and ...
Georg Feuerstein
Public Relations
Edward L. Bernays
Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations: Problem ...
Victor Grigor'e Ganzha & Evgenii Vasilev Vorozhtsov
Rust Web Programming
Maxwell Flitton
Reliable JavaScript
Lawrence D. Spencer & Seth H. Richards
React: Tools & Resources
Michael Wanyoike & Manjunath M & Jack Franklin & Swizec Teller & Ahmed Bouchefra
React Native Cookbook: Bringing the Web to Native Platforms
Jonathan Lebensold
React Hooks in Action: With Suspense and Concurrent Mode
John Larsen
React Hooks in Action: with Suspense and Concurrent Mode
React Hooks in Action - MEAP V03
React Cookbook: Recipes for Mastering the React Framework
David Griffiths & Dawn Griffiths
React Cookbook
React and Libraries: Your Complete Guide to the React Ecosystem
Elad Elrom
React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices - Third Edition: ...
Carlos Santana Roldán
React - Up and Running: Building Web Applications
Stoyan Stefanov
React - the Road to Enterprise
Thomas Findlay
Rapid GUI Programming With Python and Qt
Mark Summerfield
Python Web Scraping Cookbook
Michael Heydt
Python Testing with Pytest
Brian Okken
Python Programming Blueprints
Daniel Furtado & Marcus Pennington
Python Microservices Development
Tarek Ziade
Python Forensics
Chet Hosmer
Python Ethical Hacking From Scratch
Fahad Ali Sarwar