Liar's Poker : Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
Michael Lewis
OpenGL ES 3.0 Programming Guide
Dan Ginsburg & Dave Shreiner & Budirijanto Purnomo & Aaftab Munshi
OpenGL (1)
Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics
Rajend Mesthrie
Ideas: A History
Peter Watson
An Introduction to Historical Linguistics
Terry Crowley & Claire Bowern
Python for Programmers
Harvey Deitel & Paul Deitel
Python Deep Learning - Third Edition: Understand How Deep Neural ...
Ivan Vasilev
Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook
Jacob Perkins
Prolog for Natural Language Processing
Annie Gal & Patrick Saint-Dizier & Guy Lapalme & Harold Somers
Annie Gal & Guy Lapalme & Patrick Saint-Dizier & Harold Somers
Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning Creating and Deploying ...
Ian Pointer
Processes, Beliefs, and Questions: Essays on Formal Semantics ...
Stanley Peters & Esa Saarinen
Practical Natural Language Processing: A Pragmatic Approach ...
Sowmya Vajjala & Bodhisattwa Majumder & Harshit Surana & Anuj Gupta
Practical Natural Language Processing With Python
Mathangi Sri
Practical Natural Language Processing with Python
Practical Natural Language Processing
Harshit Surana & Anuj Gupta & Bodhisattwa Majumder & Sowmya Vajjala
Practical Explainable AI using Python
Pradeepta Mishra
Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue
Sandra Carberry
Phrase Mining From Massive Text and Its Applications
Jialu Liu & Jingbo Shang & Jiawei Han
Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence: Resources ...
J. Kulas & J. H. Fetzer & T. L. Rankin
Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence Resources ...
The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect
Robert I. Binnick
The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis
Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog
The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics
Chris Cummins & Napoleon Katsos
Oxford Handbooks (1)