Elsevier's Dictionary of Acronyms, Initialisms, Abbreviations ...
Fioretta. Benedetto Mattia
Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity
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Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects
Zhuo Qingliang
The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and ...
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Building a REST API with Spring 4
Was ist Mathematik?
Richard Courant & Herbert Robbins
Warum Nachhaltigkeit Nicht Nachhaltig Ist
Klaus-Dieter Hupke
A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics
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Visual Complex Functions: An Introduction With Phase Portraits
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Visual Complex Analysis
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Visions of Infinity: The Great Mathematical Problems
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Virtual Mathematics: The Logic of Difference
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Viewpoints: Mathematical Perspective and Fractal Geometry in ...
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Vedic Mathematics, 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics': A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic ...
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Vector Bundles and Their Applications
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Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics
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Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors, Third Edition
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The USSR Olympiad Problem Book: Selected Problems and Theorems ...
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Useful Mathematical and Physical Formulae
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The Universe in a Handkerchief: Lewis Carroll’s Mathematical ...
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The Universal Mandelbrot Set: Beginning of the Story
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Universal Algebraic Logic: Dedicated to the Unity of Science
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Universal Algebra for Computer Scientists
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