Deep Learning Projects Using TensorFlow 2
Vinita Silaparasetty
The Minnesota Notes on Jordan Algebras and Their Applications
Max Koecher
Semantic and Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval
Björn Barz
Philosophical Issues in Education: An Introduction
Cornel M. Hamm
Postmodernism vs. Truth in Management Theory - Chapter
Bill McKelvey
The Venetian Empire: A Sea Voyage
Jan Morris
Social Change: Globalization From the Stone Age to the Present
Christopher Chase-Dunn & Bruce Lerro
Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis
Salvatore J. Babones & Christopher K. Chase-Dunn
Quantitative und qualitative empirische Forschung: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag
Siegfried Schumann
Pilgrimage: From the Ganges to Graceland : An Encyclopedia
Linda Kay Davidson & David Martin Gitlitz
The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography
Gordon L. Clark & Maryann P. Feldman & Meric S. Gertler
The Origin of Values: Essays in the Sociology and Philosophy ...
Raymond Boudon
Landscapes of the Islamic World: Archaeology, History, and Ethnography
Stephen McPhillips & Paul D. Wordsworth
Knowledge and the City
Francisco Javier Carrillo & Tan Yigitcanlar & Blanca García & Antti Lönnqvist
Knowledge and Institutions
Johannes Glückler & Roy Suddaby & Regina Lenz
Knowledge and Action
Peter Meusburger & Benno Werlen & Laura Suarsana
History of Linguistics
Giulio C. Lepschy
The Gentrification Debates
Japonica Brown-Saracino
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict - Volume 2 - F-Pe
Lester R. Kurtz & Jennifer E. Turpin
Encyclopedia of the Antarctic
Beau Riffenburgh
Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Gerald Rudolph Pitzl
Dear Colleague: Common and Uncommon Observations
Yi-Fu Tuan
Cro-Magnon: The Story of the Last Ice Age People of Europe
Trenton W. Holliday
Africa Today: Culture, Economics, Religion, Security
Heather Deegan