Mastering React Test-Driven Development: Build Simple and Maintainable ...
Daniel Irvine
Mind, Reason and Imagination: Selected Essays in Philosophy ...
Jane Heal
The Coptic Encyclopedia - Volume 3 (CR-ET)
Aziz Suryal Atiya
Meaning, Form, and Use in Context: Linguistic Applications
Schiffrin, Deborah (Editor)
Natural Language Processing: Python and NLTK
Jacob Perkins & Deepti Chopra & Nisheeth Joshi & Iti Mathur & Nitin Hardeniya
The Positronic Man
Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg
The Illustrated Man
Ray Bradbury
The Postman
David Brin
Who Goes There?
John W. Campbell
Orson Scott Card
Speaker for the Dead
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow Puppets
Ender's Shadow
Ender's Game
Children of the Mind
The Difference Engine
William Gibson;Bruce Sterling
Calculating God
Robert J. Sawyer
Old Man's War
John Scalzi
Dan Simmons
John Steakley
The Day of the Triffids
John Wyndham
The Chrysalids
Carl Sagan