Hooker Chemical and Love Canal
Tom L. Beauchamp
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis - ...
Jean-Charles Pinoli
Hans Fallada - Gesammelte Werke: 36 Titel. Jeder stirbt für ...
Hans Fallada
One God, One Lord: Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish ...
Larry W. Hurtado
Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction
Juanita Heigham & Robert Croker
A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
Harvey J. Greenberg
TeX/LaTeX Und Graphik: Ein Überblick Über Die Verfahren
Friedhelm Sowa
The Computer Science of TeX and LaTeX - Draft Lecture Notes
Victor Eijkhout
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
Scott Pakin
The LaTeX Companion
Frank Mittelbach & Michel Goossens & Johannes Braams & David Carlisle & Chris Rowley & Christine Detig & Joachim Schrod
LaTeX - Basic Formatting Tools - Chapter 3
LaTeX: A Document Preparation System
Leslie Lamport
The LaTex Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents With TeX ...
Michel Goossens & S. P. Q. Rahtz & Sebastian Rahtz & Frank Mittelbach
The LaTeX Graphics Companion
Michel Goossens & Frank Mittelbach & Sebastian Rahtz & Denis Roegel & Herbert Voß
Typesetting Tables With LaTeX
Herbert Voss
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2∈: Or LaTeX 3e in 157 ...
Tobias Oetiker & Hubert Partl & Irene Hyna
A LaTeX Package for CSLI Collections - Draft
Edie Tor & Ed Itor
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Schreiben Mit LaTeX: Leitfaden Für ...
Joachim Schlosser
Wissenschaftliches Publizieren Mit LaTex 2∈: Der Kompaß Zur ...
Torsten Machert
LaTeX for Complete Novices
Nicola Louise Cecilia Talbot
Real Analysis via Sequences and Series
Charles H. C. Little & Kee L. Teo & Bruce van Brunt
Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures
Kunihiko Kodaira
Complex Geometry: An Introduction
Daniel Huybrechts
The Logarithmic Integral: Volume 2
Paul Koosis