Thinking and Writing: Cognitive Science and Intelligence Analysis
Robert Sinclair
The Critical Thinker's Dictionary: Biases, Fallacies, and Illusions ...
Robert Carroll
Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software
Pedro Teixeira
Historical Dictionary of Turkey
Metin Heper & Bilge Criss
Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia
Margaret Schaus
Toward a Philosophy of Science in Women's Health Research - ...
Arnold L. Lettieri Jr.
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science: Cutting Nature at ...
Robert Klee
The Philosophy of Socrates
Thomas C. Brickhouse & Nicholas Smith
The Philosophy of History
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction
Samir Okasha
Quintessence: Basic Readings From the Philosophy of W. V. Quine
Willard van Orman Quine
Philosophy of Mathematics
A. D. Irvine
Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy ...
Isaac Newton
The Metaphysics of Meaning
Jerrold J. Katz
The Cambridge Companion to Locke - Locke's Philosophy of Language ...
Philosophical Consequences of Relativity - Paper
Bertrand Russell
Consciousness and Language
John Rogers Searle
Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts
The Philosophy Of Rudolf Carnap
Paul Arthur Schilpp
Philosophy and History of Science
Hans Radder
Corpus-Based Approaches to Grammar, Media and Health Discourses: ...
Bingjun Yang & Wen Li
The Grammar of Names
John M. Anderson
A Custodian of Grammar: Essays on Wittgenstein's Philosophical ...
Kristijan Krkač
John Locke and Natural Philosophy
Peter R. Anstey
John Locke and the Ethics of Belief
Nicholas Wolterstorff