The Self-Taught Cloud Computing Engineer: A Comprehensive Professional ...
Logan Song
The DevOps Toolkit: Catalog, Patterns, And Blueprints
Viktor Farcic & Darin Pope
Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy
Ted Widmer
The Themes of Quine's Philosophy: Meaning, Reference, and Knowledge
Edward Becker
Instructor’s Solution Manual for “Data Mining: The Textbook”
Charu C. Aggarwal
Has Obama Made the World a More Dangerous Place?: The Munk Debate ...
Bret Stephens & Fareed Zakaria & Robert Kagan & Anne-Marie Slaughter
Sociolinguistics: Theoretical Debates
Nikolas Coupland
The Third Wave
Alvin Toffler
The Gentrification Debates
Japonica Brown-Saracino
Millenium: Glimpses Into the Twenty-First Century
Alberto Villoldo & Ken Dychtwald
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami
Thijs Jeursen
Knowledge and Action
Peter Meusburger & Benno Werlen & Laura Suarsana
Knowledge and Ideation: Inventive Knowledge Analysis for Ideation ...
Pierre Saulais
Knowledge and Institutions
Johannes Glückler & Roy Suddaby & Regina Lenz
Knowledge and Politics (RLE Social Theory): The Sociology of ...
Volker Meja & Nico Stehr
Political Economy of the World-System Annuals (1)
Subnormal Subgroups of Groups
John Carson Lennox & Stewart Edward Stonehewer