Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in ...
Martin Pütz & Justyna A. Robinson & Monika Reif
Jurafsky - Probabalistic Modeling in Psycholinguistics - Linguistic ...
Dan Jurafsky
Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity: ...
Nicola Denzey Lewis
Flask by Example
Gareth Dwyer
Writing the Ottomans
Anders Ingram
Early Modern Literature in History (1)
Introduction to a Philosophy of Music
Peter Kivy
Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics
Gordon Graham
Essays on the Philosophy of Music
Ernst Bloch
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction
Robert Stecker
Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Anne D. R. Sheppard
A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time
Adrian Bardon
Aesthetic Order: A Philosophy of Order, Beauty and Art
Ruth Lorand
Philosophy of Art: A Contemporary Introduction
Noël Carroll