The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
Rupert Sheldrake
Ontological Anti-Realism (Essay)
David John Chalmers
Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling ...
Steven S. Skiena
Der Energie-Irrtum
Hans-Joachim Zillmer
Lord of the Four Quarters: The Mythology of Kingship
John Weir Perry
Breaking the Mirror of Heaven
Robert Bauval & Ahmed Osman
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Henry Agrippa & Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim
John Dee's Natural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion
Nicholas Clulee
Agrippa's Occult Philosophy: Natural Magic
Cornelius Agrippa
Modern Sex Magick: Secrets of Erotic Spirituality
Donald Michael Kraig
Wealth Magick: The Secrets of Extreme Prosperity
Damon Brand
Commentaries on the Occult Philosophy of Agrippa
Willy Schrodter
The Consciousness of the Atom
Alice A. Bailey
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Alice A. Bailey & Djwhal Khul