Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook - Second Edition
Alan Mark Berg
How We Think
John Dewey
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics
Iain McLean
Julian Petley
Web Development with Node and Express, 2nd Edition
Ethan Brown
The Philosophy of Time
Robin le Poidevin & Murray MacBeath
Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction
Gillian Barker & Philip Kitcher
Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Theory
Tim Maudlin
Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction
Val Dusek
Philosophy of Science After Feminism
Janet A. Kourany
Philosophy of Science for Theologians: An Introduction
Gijsbert van Den Brink
Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle
Christopher Shields
Newton's Philosophy of Nature: Selections From His Writings
Sir Isaac Newton
Mind, Matter, and Method
Paul Feyerabend & Grover Maxwell
Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation
James Woodward
Islamic Philosophy of Religion: Synthesis of Science Religion ...
J. I. Laliwala
Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: Four Central ...
Donald Gillies
General Philosophy of Science: Focal Issues
Theo A. F. Kuipers
The Philosophy of Science
Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer
Darwinism, Philosophy, and Experimental Biology
Ute Deichmann & Anthony S. Travis
Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings
Yuri Balashov & Alexander Rosenberg
A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time
Adrian Bardon
A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
John Losee
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science
Stathis Psillos & Martin Curd
Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction
Alexander Rosenberg