My Journeys in Economic Theory
Edmund Phelps
Connectionist Natural Language Processing: Readings From Connection ...
Noel Sharkey
The Mind Invaders
Dave Hunt
Ivan Illich
Writings of Leon Trotsky (1932)
Leon Trotsky
Colouring Meaning: Collocation and Connotation in Figurative ...
Gill Philip
The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Jean Aitchison
Complex Predicates: The Syntax-Morphology Interface
Leila Lomashvili
Morphology and Its Interfaces
Alexandra Galani & Glyn Hicks & George Tsoulas
Identity, Motivation and Autonomy in Language Learning
Garold Murray & Xuesong Gao & Terry Lamb
Identity in (Inter)action: Introducing Multimodal (Inter)action ...
Sigrid Norris
Intelligibility in World Englishes: Theory and Application
Cecil L. Nelson
Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide
David Crystal
Languages From the World of the Bible
Holger Gzella
Philosophical Foundations of Language in the Law
Andrei Marmor & Scott Soames
Grammar Girl's 101 Words Every High School Graduate Needs to ...
Mignon Fogarty
Grammar Girl's 101 Misused Words You'll Never Confuse Again
Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students
Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar
Zeki Hamawand
First and Second Language Acquisition: Parallels and Differences
Jürgen M. Meisel
Negative Indefinites
Doris Penka
The Phraseological View of Language: A Tribute to John Sinclair
John McHardy Sinclair
Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language
Karl Bühler
The Semitic Languages: An International Handbook
Geoffrey Khan & Michael P. Streck & Janet C. E. Watson
The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics
James Simpson