Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians
Filippo Santambrogio
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications (87)
Das Erschaffen von Realität - Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger
Ramtha & Judy Zebra Knight
Understanding Nature: Case Studies in Comparative Epistemology
Hub Zwart
The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus's Mysticism
Zeke Mazur
Tough Enough: Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil
Deborah Nelson
Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems: A Practical Approach
Ronnie W. Smith & D. Richard Hipp
Mathematica®: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer
Stephen Wolfram
New Book of Runes
Ralph Blum
By Word of Mouth: Metaphor, Metonymy, and Linguistic Action ...
Louis Goossens & Paul Pauwels & Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn & Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen & Johan Vanparys
What Is Ancient Philosophy?
Pierre Hadot
Computational Lexical Semantics
Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyn Viegas
Essays in Political Philosophy
Robin George Collingwood
John Keats: The Critical Heritage
G. M. Matthews
The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades
Jonathan Simon Christopher Riley-Smith
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
Hua Harry Li & Hua Li & Madan M. Gupta
Novels Behind Glass: Commodity Culture and Victorian Narrative
Andrew H. Miller & Miller Andrew H.
The Science of Radio
Paul J. Nahin
Grammaticalization of the Complex Sentence: A Case Study in ...
Zygmunt Frajzyngier
John Locke and the Ethics of Belief
Nicholas Wolterstorff
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
Ludwig von Mises
An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative ...
Christian Peskine
Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology
Terence Horgan & Terry Horgan & John Tienson
British Philosophy and the Age of Enlightenment
Stuart C. Brown
Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth ...
Paolo Mancosu
R. A. Hudson & Richard Hudson