Traditionales Denken und Modernisierung: Jean Piaget und die ...
Georg W. Oesterdiekhoff
Serious Philosophy and Freedom of Spirit - Paper
Ernest Sosa
Explaining Behavior: Reasons in a World of Causes
Fred Dretske
Language Evolution
Morten H. Christiansen & Simon Kirby
Emergence of the Omniverse: Universe - Multiverse - Omniverse
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Data-Driven Modeling of Complex ...
J. Nathan Kutz & Steven L. Brunton & Bingni W. Brunton & Joshua L. Proctor
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj & Jon Rokne
Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python
Michael L. Bynum & Gabriel A. Hackebeil & William E. Hart & Carl D. Laird & Bethany L. Nicholson & John D. Siirola & Jean-Paul Watson & David L. Woodruff
Advanced Prognostic Predictive Modelling in Healthcare Data ...
Sudipta Roy & Lalit Mohan Goyal & Mamta Mittal